Every fortnight Kevin writes a "Kev's Column" for the Herald Express and you can read the latest edition (Published on Wednesday 22nd December 2021) below:
Our bay’s iconic tourism sector has faced its biggest challenge since the end of World War 2 because of Covid-19.
The summer saw many visitors flock to our bay giving it a big boost, yet hospitality businesses often rely on a busy festive season to ensure they can survive the quieter times which arrive in the New Year.
Over the last three weeks significant changes in consumer behaviour have followed news of the Omicron Variant arriving in the UK. Many residents are understandably concerned to avoid having to self-isolate over Christmas, so have been cutting down social contact ahead of it. This means businesses across the bay seeing swathes of cancellations despite most of them, such as restaurants and pubs, not having seen any change in the regulations which have applied to them since July.
Given the financial impact of this I have raised with government the need to look again at what support is made available to the hospitality industry. The impact of trade disappearing over the next two weeks would be far greater than a loss of January or February combined given they are their quietest months of the year. Support for hospitality businesses and workers now will be a key part of ensuring they can blossom again when the current peak caused by the new variant subsides and spring arrives.
Christmas Memories
At this time of year, the focus can all too often be on the commercial side of Christmas, getting the last present bought or card posted, items which can often be forgotten once the new year arrives and the celebrations end.
This year the focus is on the side of Christmas which creates memories which last for a lifetime, spending time with those closest to us. My special Christmas memory is from 2013, my Mum was desperately ill and upset she could not do the usual preparations. It therefore fell to me to put the tree up, wrap the presents and cook Christmas Dinner which she struggled to the table to join us for. She passed away a few weeks later. This memory is particularly poignant this year as Hazel and I lost a close relative in June who will not be joining us at our Christmas celebrations this year. I know we are not alone in this.
I therefore wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope you can spend it with those you love and care about. It is memories of these gatherings (even the virtual ones) which will be the most precious items we keep with us in the years to come.
Surgery Times
My next surgeries are on: Saturday 8th January 2022, 11am till 1pm at 5-7 East St, Torquay, TQ2 5SD and Friday 14th January 3pm till 5pm at The Windmill Centre, Pendennis Rd, Torquay TQ2 7QR. Sadly, my surgeries must remain appointment only at this stage given the prevailing public health guidance.
For an appointment you can either email me at [email protected] or leave a message on 01803 214989 (The answer machine and email will be monitored throughout the festive period). The regular drop-in sessions at my East St Office from 10am till 1pm, will return on Monday 3rd January 2022, please note you may have to wait outside if others attend at the same time