This morning, local MP Kevin Foster met with Margaret Forbes-Hamilton of the Torre and Upton Community Partnership to discuss the ongoing works at the Torre Marine site and the improvements that will see the site finally be completed.
Kevin was encouraged to see the building work, and is extremely pleased by the final plans that have been put forward, which are attached to this update below. The plans include large tanks under the site, connected to the main sewer system, which should alleviate any water run-off problems, as well as a large space for a children's play area. Whilst work on the play area has not yet started, a consultation will be launched shortly so that children can have a say in what their new playground will look like.
Alongside the Torre Marine works, a planning application has now also been submitted for the former McCarthy & Stone site next door, behind Kwik-Fit. The application can be viewed at… Kevin highly encourages everyone interested to make their views known on the proposals.